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Blood House Holy

Songwriter At Work

Writer In Progress

Artist In Application

Poet With Intention

Philosopher With Ambition

Theologian For Peace

Caretaker With Constance

Questions, Answers, Inspiration, and Technique, All Healthy, Held with Gratitude Here and In His Work.

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Home: Music


It's Always A Journey

My name is Blood House Holy.  Whether you believe it or not, what you do is what you take with you.  I produce with that in mind.  Tell them all to live well.

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As An Author

My book, as it is a limited run for now, cannot be purchased directly from this site, but can be found at by searching for A Guide To The Gift Bernard Hime, or by clicking here: : Bernard Hime A Guide To The Gift


I can write a song for you alone.  You can buy different percentages of rights.


As a professional creative writer, I can write anything you need written for the most part.  Charges depend on what you want the product to be.


I make advanced metaphorical, aesthetically pleasing, abstract artwork.  I can draw in pen and ink, graohite, marker, or paint by oil or acryllic 

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